Bass Lake Road Regional Streetscape
A severely deteriorated stretch of Bass Lake Road between Highway 100 and Brooklyn Boulevard was the focus of this project. New sidewalks and trails were installed on both sides of the road and the large center median was converted to an infiltration area to help with stormwater run-off from the streets. The entire site was then irrigated and restored with sod and numerous plantings.
Work completed included:
- Massive demolition and excavation within the road right-of-way
- On-site screening and adjustment of native soils to be reused on the project as infiltration soils
- Poured in-place, natural limestone, and modular block retaining walls throughout project
- Advanced two wire Hunter Industries irrigation system to include IMMS central control capabilities with over 11 miles of drip irrigation (all site irrigation can be controlled by computer from public works building)
- Multiple pedestrian bridges installed throughout the site
- 37,000 perennials, 4,000 shrubs and hundreds of trees planted